New Year, New Start Merry Weather, Merry Together ——省武高“武高之声”校园广播台内容实录
录入者: 李号 来源: 原创 点击数: 更新时间: 2021年12月27日

New Year, New Start

Merry Weather, Merry Together


广播员: 张岚清刘爽  20211228日(星期

Music: Glee Cast - This Is the New Year

Z: Hi, there. This is Zhang Lanqing, from Grade 2 Class 14. You are listening to Wugao Radio. Joining me today is my partner, Liu Shuang. How’re you doing, Liu Shuang?

L: Pretty good. Thanks for having me. I’m Liu Shuang, from Grade 2 Class 3.

Z: Since the New Year is around the corner, I can see everyone on the campus is wearing a smiling face. So, today we are going to talk a little bit about the New Year. Liu, how do you feel about the New Year?

L: Well, hopefully we will have a full three-day holiday then. (LAUGH) Just kidding. When it comes to the New Year, everybody around the world should feel happy because it marks the beginning of a new year.

For me personally, I’m super excited about it because it provides me with a rare opportunity to get together with all my families.

Z: It seems that you love the festival, right?

L: Yes, indeed.

Z: And I know you have done some research on the festival. Can you tell us the origin of the New Year?

L: Sure. We call the New Year “yuandan” here in China. The origin of “yuandan” can date back to over 4,000 years ago. It’s said that the then Ruler Yao () had done a lot of things that favored its people, thus was well received by them. However, Yao’s son lacked competence, which made Yao transfer its throne to Shun (), a competent minister, instead of his own son. Following Yao’s footsteps, Shun also treated his people well and later transferred the throne to Yu (), who was known for his contributions to controlling the flood. Yao, Shun and Yu were all close to their people. After Yu’s death, people made the day when they honored the Ruler Yao the first day of a year, or “yuandan”. That’s how “yuandan” started.

Z: Wow. That is to say the name “yuandan” has been called for quite a long time. And Liu, you know, like during Spring Festival, people will hold grand activities to celebrate it. Then what will people usually do during the New Year or “yuandan”, or what unique customs people will observe then?

L: You’ve asked the right man! I’ve also made some preparations regarding that aspect. In ancient time, emperors of almost every dynasty would hold celebrations on “yuandan” to worship gods and ancestors. They would also hand-write couplets and character “fu()”, or “happiness” to be hung on the front doors.

While people then would set off firecrackers and have reunion dinners. Most of the traditions have been passed down from generation to generation till now.

Music: Cara Dillon - She's like the Swallow

Z: So, can we say the customs of “yuandan” are similar to those of the Spring Festival, right?

L: You are right.

Z: Ok, I got it. One more question. Since I’m a food-lover, is there any particular food that is usually had on “yuandan”? What food usually appears on people’s tables that day?

L:Well, there’s a clear distinction between different regions. Generally speaking, people living in North China will have “jiaozi(饺子)” or dumplings on “yuandan”, while Southerners prefer “niangao(年糕)”, a kind of sticky rice-made snack.

The tradition of having “jiaozi” for people in North China prevails in Ming and Qing dynasties. “Jiaozi” comes in different shapes. Except for the common shape that looks like half a moon, some “jiaozi” is made into crown, fish or butterfly shapes. And there are different kinds of stuffing in it, from pork to beef, from lamb to mushroom, to name just a few.

By contrast, people from South China like “niangao” mostly for its good meanings. According to Chinese pronunciation, “Niangao” sounds like “Nian nian gao”, which implies getting better and better year by year.

Z: Can’t wait to have a bite of those delicacies. By the way, what is your new year wish, Liu?

L: First, I wish all my classmates can pass the upcoming exams. And I personally can make greater strides next year.

Z: Your wishes are also mine.Thanks for your time, Liu. Thank you for sharing with us your understanding of “yuandan”.

L: Thank you for inviting me.

Z: Finally, let’s end today’s program with a festive piece of song. Bye-bye.

Music: Michael Bublé - What a wonderful world

David Friedman - Open Your Eyes to Love


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