Meeting with English——省武高“武高之声”学生广播台内容实录(20170510)
录入者: 宋晓霞 来源: 原创 点击数: 更新时间: 2017年05月10日

Meeting with English——省武高“武高之声”学生广播台内容实录

广播员:殷周洁、杨雯萱   2017年5月10日(星期三)

合:Dear friends!This is Broadcast of SWG.We are now on the air with a 20—minute regular program to make you feel relaxed after hard work.I’m Yang Wenxuan.I’m Yin Zhoujie.Welcome to Voice of Wujin senior!

Music<Shake it off>——Taylor Swift


殷周洁:ARE you tired after studying hard? American country music will take you away from all the stress for a while. The songs will transport  you to the mountains and fields.

杨雯萱:Country is simple music. Its songs are about everyday life and feelings.Country music started in the Southern United States. It was the folk music of the American countryside. Many of the songs tell stories about the lives of farmers. They talk about love, crops or death.
    殷周洁:Rural life can be hard, so the lyrics are often sad. The guitars capture the vast space and the loneliness .

At first, people played the music only at family parties. But it soon became more popular. In the 1920s, country songs were played on the radio and were made into records.When people moved to towns and cities looking for work, they took their music with them. Country music became popular across America.

Music<Angle>——Sarah Brightman


殷周洁:听说过Black Friday(黑色星期五),还不知道Black day吧?说到黑色就没什么好事儿,black day意思是倒霉的一天。It’s a black day for us.(今天我们不走运)

杨雯萱:相比黑色,白色还是象征着纯洁的,white lie指的是“善意的谎言”The doctor told him a white lie.(医生没把事实告诉他)

殷周洁:roll out the red carpet for sb.为某人展开红地毯,意思就是“隆重的欢迎某人”He was the first European head of state to visit their country,and they rolled out the red carpet for him.(他是第一个访问该国的欧洲首脑,他们用隆重的礼节来欢迎他)

Music<Rather Be>——Clean Bandit&Jess Glynne

杨雯萱:蓝色的月亮并不常见,once in a blue moon说的是“千载难逢的机会”Great writers like Mark Twain only appear once in a blue moon.(像马克吐温那样伟大的作家,是很罕见的)

殷周洁:羡慕嫉妒恨时中国人会说你眼红谁,可是玩过人会习惯说眼睛绿,green-eyed monster和green-eyed都表示“嫉妒”He shows the green-eyed monster of my success)

杨雯萱:紫色在西方象征着权贵,be born in the purple指“生在王侯贵族之家,出身显赫”Since he was born in the purple,he was always going to have a comfortable life.(由于出身显赫,他总能过着安逸的生活)


合:So much for today’s program.See next time!

   Music<Uptown Funk>——Mark Ronson&Bruno Mars


主办单位:江苏省武进高级中学    苏ICP备05086717号-1
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